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PO032: Digitalization of gearbox domain knowledge to power an automated data driven recommendations for spare parts optimization
Mihail Ivanov, Product Manager Digitalization, ZF Wind Power
The latest global events have put a significant pressure on the global logistics and supply chain. The result is a negative impact for the wind sector and an increase in lead time for unplanned repairs. The trend has further driven the importance of reliable spare parts inventory management and stock forecast. To support wind farm owners and operators to have the right spare parts at the right time ZF Wind Power developed a program called Spare Parts Optimization Service. The program is making gearbox domain knowledge available in a digital format to enable inventory optimization. It runs in a cloud-based platform which hosts various data sources, gearbox digital twins and analytical models. The model merges field data with the gearbox digital birth certificate to calculate the consumed lifetime of the gearbox at an individual component level. This overview allows asset owners and operators to benefit a.o. from lifetime extensions on each gearbox. Additionally, service intervention history and operating information are used to deploy a ZF analytics model and make reliable statistical fleet predictions on remaining lifetime. The output is collected and visualized on a dynamic dashboard showing which spare parts will be needed for the fleet in scope. The results enable spare parts optimization and reduce the lead time to repairs of the wind turbine gearbox. The audience will be able to learn more about gearbox digital twins and how field SCADA data enables a cloud-based solution to deploy big data for the benefit of the wind sector. We will talk about data taxonomy and partnerships which are crucial to move ahead with the digitalization journey.