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PO019: Concept for an open database of acoustical wind turbine measurements
Daphne Schössow, PhD Student, Institute of Communications Technology, Leibniz University Hannover
As part of the project “WEA-Akzeptanz” extensive measurement campaigns were carried out to gather data related to wind turbine noise. The collected dataset includes meteorological, acoustical, and SCADA data. The measurements have been conducted in all seasons of a year at different locations and wind conditions. This way a multitude of distances to the nearest turbines and times of day are covered. To make these measurements available for other researchers the goal of our follow up project “WEA-Akzeptanz Data” is to create an open data platform to host them. The design of this platform is inspired by the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable)-principle. In addition to hosting the raw measurement data, the platform also provides functionalities for targeted access and evaluation of the data. That means that the data will be classified and made searchable according to wind turbine operating parameters and environmental conditions. The entire process of preparing, selecting, preprocessing and storing of the data for the release is documented in such a way that it can be used as a guideline for similar projects. This includes wind noise detection, classification of background noise, and error detection as well as correction, conditioning, anonymisation, and clustering. Furthermore, best practice examples for selected measurement analyses will be included.