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PO089: Energy Yield Assessment And Optimization Using Measurement And Scada Data For Extension Projects In Complex Terrain
Mehmet Ozkan Basar, Wind & Site Engineer, Nordex Group
Lots of wind energy investors are planning to extension for their operational wind power plants in Turkey and most of these power plants are located in complex terrains. In this study, the wind resource models were calibrated by calculating the regional error rates of the site with the help of SCADA data to increase the accuracy rate of production prediction and decrease the total error rates for extension projects. The analysis has been performed for 169 existing and 12 extension turbines. For the characterization of the wind regime and resource assessment, the data have been collected from six different met mast. While modeling the site linear and non-linear flow models have been performed to understand their performance in complex terrain. At the end of the assessment, the actual and predicted results have been compared and the error rate of the linear model was calculated as +7.02%, while the error rates of the non-linear model are -1.37%. According to these results, the non-linear model was selected while calculating the correction factor for extension turbines. The error rates which we reached using the non-linear model for 169 turbines were used in the post-processing part of the study to calibrate the results for extension turbines. The relative error rate between predicted and actual production results of extension turbines decreased from -8.64% to 1.52% thanks to this post-process methodology. The conclusion reached in the scope of this study is that the non-linear model in complex terrain gave a better result than the linear model. In addition, it is possible to calculate production at much lower errors with the post-process method developed by using SCADA data in extension projects.