Posters - WindEurope Technology Workshop 2022
Resource Assessment & Analysis of Operating Wind Farms 2022
23-24 June • Brussels


Come meet the poster presenters to ask them questions and discuss their work

Check the programme for our poster viewing moments. For more details on each poster, click on the poster titles to read the abstract.

PO094: Introduction to the Forthcoming IEC 61400-15-2 Standard - Poster pitch

Andrew Henderson, Chief Windfarm Engineer, Copenhagen Offshore Partners


The new 61400-15 wind energy standard will define a framework for assessment and reporting of the wind resource, energy yield and site suitability input. This standard is working to align language and definition of wind resource parameters and methods. This should yield improved comparability and reproducibility of results for financial stakeholders. This work represents the collaboration of a large collection of wind energy entities spanning all sectors of the industry and from across the globe. The authors wish to present to the audience an overview of this new standard, including a status update and details of the imminent to be issued document. Two standards documents are being released: site suitability document 64100-15-1 being issued this year and the energy yield document 61400-15-2, which is the subject of this presentation, which will follow a year later. This scope of 64100-15 includes: 1. Definition, measurement, and prediction of the long-term meteorological and wind flow characteristics at the site 2. Integration of the long-term meteorological and wind flow characteristics with wind turbine and balance of plant characteristics to predict net energy yield 4. Assessing the uncertainty associated with each of these steps 5. Addressing documentation and reporting requirements to help ensure the traceability of the assessment processes The framework is being defined such that applicable national norms are considered and industry best practices are utilized. 64100-15-2 Energy Yield The WG has identified 3 main categories of energy assessment; 1. Wind measurement based 2. Production data based 3. Virtual data (mesoscale model) based. Work has focused on establish a loss and uncertainty framework to cover each category. The scope of the work requires the group to establish methodologies to quantify and combine the uncertainties for both wind based (measured and virtual) and production based uncertainties, and to define the reporting requirements against each analysis. This has required an in depth assessment of methods to establish a framework for uncertainties for all relevant categories, including measurements, windspeed distributions, reference data and long term adjustments, horizontal and vertical extrapolation, wake losses and plant performance.