Presenters and Speakers
SpeakersPostersProgramme committeePresenters' dashboardSimon Camal

Research engineer, MINES Paris - PSL University
Simon Camal received his Eng. degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering from Mines Nancy, France in 2010 and his European Master of Science in Renewable Energy from Loughborough University, UK in 2011. He obtained his PhD at MINES ParisTech - PSL University in 2020 on forecasting and optimization of ancillary service provision by renewable energy power plants. He is currently Project Manager of the Horizon2020 Smart4RES Project, working at MINES ParisTech Center for Processes, Renewable Energies and Energy Systems (PERSEE) in Sophia Antipolis, FrancePresentations
- Improve forecasting in different timescales
Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies for the Provision of Energy and Ancillary Services by Wind Farms Coupled with Storage