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PO079: A control software for customised scanning and multi-lidar measurement campaigns
Doron Callies, Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
Multi-lidars (like dual-Doppler) offer the possibility to accurately measure the spatial variations in wind speed for distances of several kilometres. This is especially useful in situations where the wind conditions vary in the area of interest (e.g. complex terrain) or in applications where it is difficult to install measurement devices at the point of interest – such as offshore or near shore applications. Multi-lidars yield highly accurate wind speeds and directions and significantly improved turbulence measurements - especially compared to classical profiling lidar systems. The obstacle to many industry applications to using multi-lidar setups has been that there was no commercially available software to easily configure and monitor scanning and/or multi-lidar measurement campaigns with lidar hardware. This leads to a tedious process with many manual steps, which is error-prone, time consuming and lacks repeatability. In addition, the synchronisation between multiple systems, which is desirable for e.g. turbulence measurements, cannot be achieved without a central control-software. This contribution presents a control software to easily configure and customise measurement campaigns comprising multiple lidars in multi- or single lidar mode or a combination of both. The software also provides online monitoring and quality control functionalities. The software follows an approach, which centres around the requirements of wind energy applications. The user is able to define specific points or areas, which are to be scanned. The control software runs as a web-application and hosts a local database for all relevant campaign information and data. It is equipped with tools for alignment determination and monitoring the pointing stability. The software provides a comprehensive and user-friendly browser-based interface to configure and monitor one or multiple scanning lidars in customised application oriented measurement campaigns. Calculation of scanning angles and distances for the configured measurement points and the application of corrections for tilting or direction offsets of the lidar devices is done automatically. Moreover, the software facilitates the synchronisation of the scanning patterns in multi-lidar mode. If desired, the software can be configured to adapt the scanning patterns of the campaign to the currently measured wind conditions. Lidar devices can be configured to run a measurement campaign containing e.g. multi-lidar measurements, virtual met towers, PPI, RHI or DBS scans in an arbitrary, synchronized sequence. The included CNR mapper facilitates the high precision alignment and insurance of pointing stability during the measurement campaign. In summary, the developed control software allows tapping into the benefits of multi- and scanning-lidar measurements not only in the academic context but also for industry applications in wind energy. Its application centred approach allows for an easy and intuitive configuration of the lidar devices and the measurement campaign. It thereby allows for a wide range of measurement scenarios and applications. Measurement campaigns with a prototype of the software demonstrate high quality in wind speed and turbulence measurements. Currently the software is fully compatible with Leospheres scanning lidar API but in the future, it could be extended to other devices as well.