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PO076: Wind Sector-Wise Distribution Modeling over Complex Terrains
Thales Delmiro, Wind Project Engineer, Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis
Wind resource grids are a valuable tool to help evaluate wind potential in a given area. Those models are usually calculated by a microscale wind resource mapping and provide a raw estimation of the wind potential. Additionally, they can be refined by adjusting their probabilities, wind speed, and wind direction with meteorological masts data. The mean wind speed modeling over complex terrains adopting preliminary 50 meters-resolution wind resource maps may not satisfactorily represent wind sector-wise probabilities at wind turbines locations. Overwriting or scaling the wind resource grid probabilities using measured wind rose distribution tend to present a proper solution. A comparative, cross-validated study was conducted to assess which methodology is most appropriate to specific scenarios. The comparison shows different possible outcomes when adjusting a wind speed model for a complex orography.