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PO067: LiDAR-only load response comparison: a way towards LiDAR-only turbine suitability assessments
Sayantan Chattopadhyay, Lead Siting Solutions Engineer, Vestas
This research brings a novel methodology for using measurements solely from Wind LiDARs for evaluating the load response of wind turbines forward, a pivotal step in site suitability assessments. Reviewing the existing research on this topic, it becomes evident that potential methodologies were aiming at correcting wind speed and standard deviation to simply match mast measurements. This research, however, focuses on the perspective of turbine loads response driven by the most crucial components of the turbulence parameter. This methodology is being actively researched and discussed in the Site Suitability Sub-group of the Consortium For Advancing Remote Sensing (CFARS). The research acknowledges the potential of latest LiDAR technologies to accurately estimate the average climatic conditions and takes advantage of the same to fine-tune certain components of the turbulence and its spread, as measured by the LiDAR, to arrive at equivalent turbine loads – as would have been observed with data from a hypothetical met. mast anemometer measurement; in other words, a Met. Mast Equivalent Turbine Load Response. This novel research inputs 10-min avg wind speed and turbulence measurements from LiDAR, transforms the data using a pre-defined model and pursues Met. Mast Equivalent Turbine Load Response evaluation. The pre-defined model is prepared from climatic information from a large set of met. mast and LiDAR pairs. The methodology is dynamic and takes advantage of the wind turbulence spectra from the LiDAR measurements, for a frequency-based assessment. The algorithm then allows some frequencies to pass through and other frequencies to be transformed or adjusted by the aforementioned pre-defined model – making it a Bandpass Adjusted Turbulence (BAT). The selection of the frequencies for the bandpass is based on the turbine loads response. This methodology refrains from correctionof LiDAR data, and assumes through previous study that LiDAR and the post-processing, together with the advancement technology and research in the area, is equipped to measure and estimate average wind characteristics, and simply adjusts the turbulence and its spread, based on deterministic information, to find a Met. Mast Equivalent Turbine Load Response evaluated under the industry standards and best practices, which is huge step towards using stand-alone LiDAR measurements in site suitability assessment. The presentation of the research will focus on the methodology and some case studies, among the large validatory sites studied, across the entire world.