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When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 15:15 - 16:15
Where: Auditorium A15
Session description
European Governments committed to more than quadruple offshore wind installed capacity from 26 GW today to over 110 GW by 2030. This huge expansion requires installations to double the number of turbines installed yearly (from 400 today to about 800 per year in 2025) as of 2025.
Learning from previous experiences will be key to predict and address the challenges ahead, including planning, manufacturing, logistics, and transmission. Europe needs to revamp its offshore wind supply chain, investing in new and upgrades for ports infrastructure, vessels, heavy lifting, grid infrastructure, among others.
In this session representatives of offshore wind value chain will present the different challenges to keep up with growth.
Session chair

Hanne Wigum
Manager Ofshore Wind Technology, Equinor

The Past, Present and Future Global Offshore Wind Power Potential
Peter Enevoldsen
Director of Research Centre, Aarhus University

Turbines and supporting structures: challenges ahead
Henrik Stiesdal
Founder & CEO, Stiesdal Offshore Technologies

Supporting infrastructure: ports & vessels – what are today’s investments and where are these leading us?
Dorothy Winters
Regional Programme Manager Offshore Renewables , Port of Amsterdam