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When: Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 14:00 - 15:00
Where: Auditorium A10
Session description
The European Commission announced end of 2019 its goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. To get there, electrification is the right and cheapest way forward. Yet, some sectors are harder to decarbonise (e.g. aviation or heavy industry); this is where renewable hydrogen steps in.
Hydrogen recently came under the spotlight: the European Commission is betting on renewable hydrogen to reach its decarbonisation objectives. The question is how are we going to deliver?
Producing renewable hydrogen is more expensive than producing other types of hydrogen e.g. via steam methane reforming (SMR).
Scaling up renewable hydrogen towards competitiveness this decade should be the singular focus of EU legislation and market uptake measures. To achieve this, clear incentives and support schemes for renewable hydrogen are needed.
This panel will explain to you how we can scale up renewable hydrogen, and the barriers & challenges it needs to overcome to be competitive by the end of the decade.
Session chair

François Paquet
Impact Director, Renewable Hydrogen Coalition
Panel discussion
Yunji Xu
General Manager for Hydrogen Industry, Shell

Ole Kiil Nielsen
Vice-President, Power-to-X Solutions, Vestas

Jeroen Visser
Global Director of Hydrogen, Northland Power

Stefano Innocenzi
Head of New Energy Business, Siemens Energy

Antonio Lopez-Nicolas Baza
Deputy Head of Unit Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy, European Commission

Estanislao Rey-Baltar Boogen
Director of Planning and Regulation, Iberdrola