Sessions | WindEurope Electric City 2021


License to wind

Onshore wind

When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 15:15 - 16:15
Where: Auditorium A11

Session description

To meet the renewable energy targets set out by the European Commission, permitting issues/bottlenecks still need to be addressed. The main reasons as to why it is difficult to get permits (for new and repowered projects) are:​

1. Rules are too complex​

2. Procedures are slow​

3. Permitting authorities aren't adequately staffed​

This session will bring together developers, energy producers and other stakeholders. As permitting remains one of the main constraints, the industry representatives will discuss the main bottlenecks they encounter and discuss on best approaches governments could take to facilitate/accelerate the process.​

Session chair

Noel Cunniffe

CEO, Wind Energy Ireland


Anna Kornecka

Former Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Poland, Program Clean Poland Association

Lars Andersson

Senior Advisor Climate, Wind Power, Solar and Energy Storage/Hydrogen

Paolo Barabucci

Head of Business Development and Mergers & Acquisitions Germany and Poland, ERG Spa

Rachel Ruffle

CEO Northern Europe, RES Group

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