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Electrification and system integration Offshore wind Onshore wind
When: Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 9:00 - 10:30
Where: Auditorium A10-11-12
Inaugural address

H.R.H. Frederik
Crown Prince of Denmark
Video Message

Kadri Simson
European Commissioner for Energy, European Commission
Event Ambassador Talks

Javier Rodríguez Diez
Executive Vice President & CSO, Vestas

Thomas Brostrøm
Senior Vice President Global Renewable Solutions, Shell

Rasmus Errboe
Senior Vice President, Head of Continental Europe Offshore, Ørsted
Panel Discussion

Tinne Van der Straeten
Federal Minister of Energy, Belgium

Claude Turmes
Minister for Energy and Spatial Planning, Luxembourg

Andreas Feicht
Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry for the Economy and Energy, Germany

Javier Rodríguez Diez
Executive Vice President & CSO, Vestas

Thomas Brostrøm
Senior Vice President Global Renewable Solutions, Shell

Rasmus Errboe
Senior Vice President, Head of Continental Europe Offshore, Ørsted

Giles Dickson
CEO, WindEurope
Closing address

Stoffel Vandoorne
Mercedes-EQ Formula E Team Driver