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When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 15:15 - 16:15
Where: Auditorium A12
Session description
Offshore wind can count on an extraordinary political momentum. Europe is placing it at the core of the energy transition needed to reach climate neutrality by 2050.
300 GW of offshore wind will require new strategies and approaches to plan European Seas. Member States cannot do this alone. Cross-border planning and deployment will be needed, thus international coordination will be essential to facilitate cooperation and provide a favorable regulatory environment.
In this session, we will discuss how international strategies and policies can support the growth of the offshore wind sector, while ensuring that other marine stakeholders can keep pursuing their economic interests, the safety of our seas, and nature objectives.
We will discuss:
- How Maritime Spatial Planning ensures the coexistence of the sectors, and whether Member States are enforcing the MSP Directive effectively;
- How national and international security needs can be maintained while delivering the energy transition;
- How offshore wind and biodiversity can coexist, and what we are doing to make this happen;
- How international cooperation can increase the efficiency of how we use our seas.
Session chair

Ulrik Stridbæk
Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Ørsted

Anu Eslas
Head of Offshore Wind, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia

Marie Hindhede
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Danish Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities

Kurt De Winter
Commanding Officer Coastal Security & Harbour Protection, Belgian Navy