Sessions | WindEurope Electric City 2021


IntoMachines - Automatic bolting robot for wind turbine installations

When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 15:40 - 15:55
Where: Speakers Corner

Session description

IntoMachines B.V. has developed a robot to automatically tighten bolted connections in wind turbines, for towers, nacelles, and blades. The robot registers each bolted connection in a report, can work up-side-down for hard to reach places, and has a mass of 18 Kg for easy transporting to different flanges. The robot carries two E-RAD Torque Tools simultaneously and therefore works at least twice as fast as conventional methods.
It increases safety for the operator, increases reliability of bolted connections, reduces maintenance cost due to bolt registration, and speeds up the bolting process, Come visit this presentation to learn more.


Martin Kristelijn


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