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Hybrid Systems Expert, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Mr. Rasines has been working in the wind industry for almost 22 years. All of them in the currently called Siemens Gamesa. He started his first steps in Siemens Gamesa in the Wind Resource Department involved in different projects and with different grade of responsibility. After that he led a Department of Innovation working, among other themes, in self-supply projects, off-grid hybrid projects and storage. In the last years, he has been working as Hybrid Systems expert in the Hybrid Systems Department for Sales and Marketing. He is leading methodologies and developing tools to size hybrid systems: PV+Wind, PV+BESS, Wind+BESS, PV+Wind+BESS. He studied Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao and specialized in Energy Systems.Presentations
- Flexibility and hybrid technologies
Wind and Solar Hybrid systems: A practical methodology to reach an optimum combination. Application to business cases.