Presenters and Speakers | WindEurope Electric City 2021

Presenters and Speakers

Jochem Vermeir

Product Manager Wind Onshore Developments, Tractebel


Jochem started working in the Wind Energy sector in 2009. He started his career in research, analyzing the economical and technical feasibility of small and medium-scale wind turbines. After he successfully defended his doctoral research, he started working at Tractebel where he has several roles. Currently, Jochem is the Product manager for a team of Project Engineers, Wind Experts and Project managers working on Wind Onshore project in the development phase outside Belgium. Besides his role as team leader, Jochem takes a leading role for the development of methodologies related to wind resource and energy yield assessment for on- and offshore wind farms and Owner Engineering Activities (Wind Turbine Procurement) up to the state-of-the-art in the frame of continous quality improvement. Jochem is as well Chairman for the Belgian Electrotechnical Comittee for the TC88 (IEC 61400) and recognized as International expert for 2 specific guidelines: IEC 61400-50-4 and IEC 61400-15.


  • Validating horizontal gradients of mesoscale models
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