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Wind Expert, Tractebel
Mr. Debert has been working in the wind industry for almost 5 years. After graduating in Energy Systems Engineering fulfilling his passion for renewable energies he accepted a position as Site Manager for onshore Wind Farm installation (50 MW wind farm), developing on-site experience and project management as well as wind turbine inspection skills. Mr. Debert started at Tractebel Engineering in 2017, where he is involved in wind resource assessment for offshore and onshore wind, energy yield assessment, wind turbine layout optimization and final project development for both onshore (Belgium, Chile, South Africa, France among others) and offshore (Belgium, France, Netherlands) wind projects. Finally, he also worked as Construction Site Coordinator for the floating offshore wind project WindFloat Atlantic which involved the installation of 3 floating V164-8.4MW wind turbines.Posters
- Slashing measurement costs using the round robin LiDAR campaign