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Subsea Technologies, SuperGrid Institute
Isabelle graduated in 2013 from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) with an Engineering Degree as well as from University College London (UCL) with a MSc in Mechanical Engineering. She began her career in an R&D department in the Oil & Gas subsea sector where she was in charge of the mechanical design and qualification of several products related to flexible pipes. She then joined the SuperGrid Institute in 2017 in the “Cable systems & junction” department as a technical expert in subsea mechanical engineering. She is today the technical lead of the high voltage subsea technology developments within the same department. In her missions at the Institute, she works in close relation with other research departments related to high voltage equipment development and as such is in charge of the Institute’s hyperbaric platform.Presentations
- Flexibility and hybrid technologies
Economic assessment of an innovative farm architecture for floating offshore wind using dry mate connectors & smart hubs
- Economic assessment of an innovative farm architecture for floating offshore wind using smart hubs