Presenters and Speakers | WindEurope Electric City 2021

Presenters and Speakers

Eric Tromeur

Research Engineer, Meteodyn


Eric TROMEUR has been working in mesoscale meteorology, weather forecasts, climate change and wind industry for 17 years. He is currently the Head of Wind, Meteorology and Climate Division at Meteodyn Company in France. He got his PhD in Applied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Paris 13 in France and studied Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Atmospheric Sciences. Before working for private companies as meteorology and climate researcher and expert, he spent 2 years at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique in Paris and 4 years at the NOAA-CREST in New York City and the Stony Brook University (USA) as researcher and adjunct professor in climate and Atmospheric Sciences. He worked on projects such as wind climate, wind energy forecasts, urban climatology and climate change. His research is now focused on mesoscale-microscale meteorology, wind forecast and resource assessment, and climate change impact.


  • MPAS Simulation Applied in Wind Resource Assessment and Comparison with WRF/Measurement
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