Presenters and Speakers
ProceedingsProgrammeTechnical & Scientific ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent partnersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneInnovation ParkProgramme Committees & Abstract ReviewersGlobal Markets TheatreSokratis Anagnostopoulos

PhD Student, Imperial College London
Sokratis graduated from Mechanical Engineering at University of Bristol and obtained his MS in Computational Science and Engineering at Imperial College London. He has previously worked in the areas of fluid mechanics (CFD, fluid-structure interaction, particle methods), numerical/analytical modeling and machine learning. He is currently a research assistant at EPFL where he is working towards a PhD on computational methods and biomedical applications.Presentations
- Offshore innovation quickfire
Offshore wind farm wake modelling using deep feed forward neural networks for active yaw control and layout optimisation.
- Offshore wind farm wake modelling using deep feed forward neural networks for active yaw control and layout optimisation.