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Plant & Renewables Offshore R&D Engineering Manager, Saipem
Benjamin MAURIES has been working for Saipem Offshore Division in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in France near Paris since 2003. He has been working as R&D project engineer and R&D project manager for new developments in the fields of LNG (FLNG, storage, transfer systems) and SURF technologies, as coordinator of R&D activities in these areas and also on various green field development projects (from conceptual phases to FEED / EPCI tender phases). From 2018 to 2021, he has been leading the offshore renewable technologies development department, covering in particular floating wind technology development in Saipem. Since 2021, he is in charge of the floating wind product development for the New Energies business unit.Presentations
- Offshore innovation quickfire
Unlocking the floating wind market potential with complementary technologies
- Unlocking the floating wind market potential with 2 complementary technologies