"Local impact, global leadership"

Conference programme

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In this section, you will be able to access the presentation files (ppt/pdf) and audio recordings of all presentations and panel discussions.

To note: Online Conference Proceedings are accessible free of charge to all WindEurope members and to conference delegates holding a 3-day conference pass. All eligible conference delegates received their access credentials per email on 21 December 2017. WindEurope members who did not attend the event or did not have a 3-day conference pass will find an access link to the proceedings via the Members Area on windeurope.org. Anybody else can order access to the proceedings via this form.

Access Scientific Proceedings
Scientific abstracts on all topics underwent a separate review by members of the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) and selected full papers have been published in the open-access Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Check out event photos


Tuesday 28 November 2017

09:30-11:00 Opening session
Open to all attendees (i.e. exhibition visitors & exhibitors).
Room: Auditorium
11:00-11:45 Exhibition visiting & poster viewing and press conference
11:45-13:00 The outlook for wind in Europe and our future business models
Open to conference delegates only from this session onwards.
Room: Auditorium
13:00-14:30 Lunch, poster viewing, exhibition visiting
14:30-15:45 North Seas Energy Forum – plenary session
Room: G103
Technology across the wind value chain
Room: Emerald
15:45-16:30 Exhibition visiting & poster viewing
16:30-17:45 Improved meteorology applications for wind
Room: G103
Delivering >14 MW offshore turbines by 2023: can we do it?
Room: Emerald
Making the wind supply chain more sustainable, efficient and resilient
Room: G105
Supporting electricity grids as wind power reaches new heights
Room: G107
17:30-19:30 Opening reception – Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy stand, 1D44

Wednesday 29 November 2017

09:30-10:45 EU policy: What do we want from the end-game on the Clean Energy Package?
Room: G103
Digitalisation in wind turbine technology
Room: Emerald
To extend lifetime or to repower: the options, risks and benefits
Room: G105
Coexistence of wildlife and wind turbines
Room: G107
10:45-11:30 Exhibition visiting & poster viewing
11:30-12:45 Storage: the good, the bad and the ugly
Room: G103
Onshore wind turbines: where do we go next?
Room: Emerald
Big data and data security in wind O&M
Room: G105
Engaging local communities
Room: G107
12:45-14:15 Lunch & poster viewing
14:15-15:30 Navigating in a merchant world
Room: G103
Reducing uncertainty in operational assessment and wind power forecasting
Room: Emerald
Mitigating ice throw risks
Room: G105
Digitalisation in wind power system integration
Room: G107
15:30-16:15 Exhibition visiting & poster viewing
16:15-17:30 Corporate Renewable PPAs on the rise – market potential and challenges
Room: G103
Flow modelling for complex conditions
Room: Emerald
Ensuring safety in offshore installation and operations
Room: G105
The grid infrastructure we need for higher wind penetration
Room: G107
Poster viewing & exhibition visiting
19:00-23:00 Gala event – Sponsored by TPI Composites and Port of Amsterdam
Maritime Museum, Amsterdam

Thursday 30 November 2017

09:30-10:45 Orange Opportunities for Green Growth: Dutch onshore and offshore developments
Room: G103
Remote sensing in resource assessment
Room: Emerald
Predicting fatigue and lifetime of operating wind assets
Room: G105
Wind energy and aviation (civil and military)
Room: G107
10:45-11:30 Exhibition visiting & poster awards ceremony
11:30-12:45 Offshore wind outside the EU – new business opportunities?
Room: G103
The future of resource assessment: latest advances and open discussion
Room: Emerald
Using data to optimise performance
Room: G105
Wind and the electrification of transport
Room: G107
12:45-14:00 Lunch & poster viewing
14:00-15:15 Central and eastern Europe: can they rise from the ashes
Room: G103
Floating Offshore Wind
Room: Emerald
Offshore logistics & maintenance: Innovative techniques and insights from the oil & gas industry
Room: G105
Wind and the electrification of heating
Room: G107
15:15-15:45 Exhibition visiting & poster viewing
15:45-17:00 Onshore wind: doing business in Russia, the Middle East and North Africa
Room: G103
Extreme Weather Conditions: Challenges for wind power production
Room: G105
Using wind for hydrogen and power-to-gas
Room: G107

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