"Local impact, global leadership"


Corporate Renewable PPAs

Financing onshore and offshore wind energy

When: Wednesday, 29 November 2017, 16:15 - 17:30
Where: G103

Session description

Large corporates are keen to decarbonize their energy consumption and reduce their exposure to fossil fuels. Power producers & investors want to stabilize their revenue for new RES projects. Already well-used in the U.S., Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have become increasingly popular across Europe in the last years. Thissession will look at the market potential and challenges for the Corporate Renewable PPA market in Europe.

Learning objectives

  1. Assess and understand the market potential for Corporate Renewable PPAs in Europe
  2. Understand the challenges and barriers faced by different caterogies of stakeholders when looking to entering a PPA
  3. Explore whether such PPAs can be extended to already existing projects
  4. Learn about the possibilities offered by virtual/synthetic PPAs

Session chair

Lars Meckenstock
Director Asset Commercialization, E.ON Climate & Renewables

Panel discussion

Tomas Tuominen
PPA Origination Leader, GE Renewable Energy

Joost Sandberg
Renewable Energy Development Manager, AkzoNobel

Erik Suichies
Vice President Customers , Vattenfall / Nuon

Melchior Karigl
Banker, European Investment Bank

Marc Schmitz
Senior Vice-President, Rabobank

Anne Lapierre
Partner, Head of Energy EMEA , Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

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