24 June 2016
The Energy Infrastructure Forum establishes a new School for Energy Infrastructure

WindEurope attends the second edition of the Energy Infrastructure Forum, which is being hosted in Copenhagen this week. The Forum was established as part of the Energy Union package to advance the development of European energy infrastructure, which is essential to building a secure and sustainable Energy Union.
More than 200 high-level representatives of the EU institutions, network operators, industry and other stakeholders attend this year’s forum. Key topics include regional cooperation, Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and public acceptance. The latter is an important part of the reason why 25% of the planned electricity interconnection projects under the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNPD) are currently facing delay.
While ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G used the opportunity to present the new TYNDP and launch a 3-month stakeholder consultation on it, the forum also acted as launch ramp for a new Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure.
This new academic forum – initiated by Energinet.dk and Copenhagen Business School – is conceived as a counterpart to the Florence School of Energy Regulation and aims at activating Academia to help understand and devise solutions for the most pertinent challenges in the area of energy infrastructure.
On behalf of its members, WindEurope will seek to establish a close cooperation with this new Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure.