24 June 2016
The European Parliament votes for ‘at least’ 30% target for renewables in Europe

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted in favour of increasing the European Union’s target for renewables to ‘at least’ 30% by 2030.
Europe current has a target of at least 27%, which was agreed by European leaders in October 2014.
The parliamentary vote, which has no direct legislative impact, sends a clear message to the European Commission to be more ambitious on its upcoming proposal for a renewables law that will extend into the next decade. The European Commission is expected to come forward with its proposal before the end of this year.
MEPs stressed the need for the European Commission to have enhanced oversight on Member State progress toward the target with the possibility to intervene if EU countries impose measures that have a counterproductive impact on the deployment of renewables.
Additionally, the Commission should set national benchmarks for Member States to ensure countries stick to their commitments. Such benchmarks should come as part of a strong, robust and transparent governance system to guarantee that Europe can meet its 27% goal.
Giles Dickson, Chief Executive Officer of WindEurope, said: “We welcome the Parliament’s call for an at least 30% target for renewables by 2030. The Commission now needs to define the additional measures and encourage member states to show the necessary level of ambition in their national plans. Without this ambition, Member States will only hurt themselves as investors will put renewables projects on ice and that will have knock-on effects for jobs and growth in Europe.”