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Offshore statistics

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  • Offshore wind in Europe – key trends and statistics 2019 6/2/2020 - Offshore Wind in Europe Key trends and statistics 2019 Download report Overview Findings Check the presentation Overview In 2019 Europe connected 502 new offshore wind turbines to the grid across 10 projects. This brought 3,627 MW of new (gross) additional capacity. Europe now has a total installed offshore wind capacity of 22,072 MW from 5,047 […]
  • Offshore wind in Europe – key trends and statistics 2018 7/2/2019 - Offshore Wind in Europe Key trends and statistics 2018 Download report Overview Findings Explore the data Check the presentation Overview In 2018 Europe connected 409 new offshore wind turbines to the grid across 18 projects. This brought 2,649 MW of net additional capacity. Europe now has a total installed offshore wind capacity of 18,499 MW. […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 2017 6/2/2018 - Offshore Wind in Europe Key trends and statistics 2017 Download report Overview Findings Explore the data Check the presentation Overview Offshore wind power in Europe saw a record 3,148 MW of net additional installed capacity in 2017. This corresponds to 560 new offshore wind turbines across 17 wind farms. There were 14 projects fully completed […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 2016 26/1/2017 - Offshore wind in Europe saw a net 1,558 MW of additional installed grid-connected capacity in 2016. This was 48% less than in 2015. A net addition of 338 new offshore wind turbines across six wind farms were grid-connected from 1 January to 31 December 2016. Europe now has a total installed capacity of 12,631 MW […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 1st half 2016 27/7/2016 - In the first six months of 2016, Europe fully grid connected 114 commercial offshore wind turbines with a combined capacity totalling 511 MW. Overall 13 commercial wind farms were under construction which once completed will have a total capacity of over 4.2 GW. 114 wind turbines were fully grid connected, totalling 511 MW in 4 […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 2015 15/2/2016 - 3,018.5 MW of new offshore wind power capacity was connected to the grid during 2015 in Europe, a 108.3% increase over 2014 and the biggest yearly addition to capacity to date. 419 new turbines were erected in 2015. Seven turbines were decommissioned in the UK and Sweden, resulting in a net addition of 412 turbines. […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 1st half 2015 15/7/2015 - In the first six months of 2015, Europe fully grid connected 584 commercial offshore wind turbines, with a combined capacity totalling 2,342.9 MW. Overall, 15 commercial wind farms were under construction. Once completed, these wind farms will have a total capacity of over 4,268.5 MW. View the pdf
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 2014 15/1/2015 - In 2014, Europe fully grid connected 408 offshore wind turbines in nine wind farms and one demonstration project with a combined capacity totalling 1,483 MW. 536 turbines were erected during 2014. 2,488 turbines are now installed and grid connected, making a cumulative total of 8,045.3 MW in 74 wind farms in 11 European countries. Once […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 1st half 2014 15/7/2014 - In the first six months of 2014, Europe fully grid connected 224 offshore wind turbines in 16 commercial wind farms and one offshore demonstration site with a combined capacity totalling 781 MW. There are 310 wind turbines awaiting grid connection. Once connected, these will add a total capacity of over 1,200 MW. The total capacity […]
  • The European offshore wind industry – key trends and statistics 2013 15/1/2014 - 418 offshore turbines came online in 2013 in Europe, making a record 1,567 Megawatts (MW) of new capacity. This is one-third more than the capacity installed in 2012. This makes a new total of 6,562 MW of offshore wind power – enough to provide 0.7% of the EU’s electricity. View the pdf