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2020 Success Stories



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An overview of ROMO Wind’s 2020 successes

With a busy end of year, ROMO Wind secured multiple orders from Brazil, England and Denmark. However, while it has been a strange and unpredictable year, we have couple of great success from the past year.

Independently validated by iSpin measurements, GE’s Vortex Generators enabled Valeco to improve production at its Champs Perdus wind farm by 1.5%. Confident in their technology, GE now has independent validation of their Vortex Generators from iSpin’s precise wind measurements.

A portfolio deal for 38 iSpin systems was finalized with Enel in Italy. Senvion MM92 turbines across multiple wind farms will be outfitted with iSpin sensors as well as iSpin Yaw modules.
With this solution, ENEL can reduce yaw misalignment (both static and dynamic) while also reducing the activation of yaw motors. Thereby, avoiding excessive wear and tear on components and maximizing production. Thanks to the iSpin’s accurate and independent from OEM power curve measurement, they can compare the performance of all 38 turbines to accurately evaluate their gain and to identify the presence of “true” underperforming turbines.

An increase in production over 17%. It seems almost too good to be true but for a German wind farm it was possible by getting access to accurate turbulence intensities and thereby reducing their regulated curtailment, without sacrificing the structural health of their turbines.

ERG took no chances when it came to their turbine optimisation. After an initial gain of up to 2,7% increase in production per turbine from iSpin’s static yaw misalignment correction on two wind farms ERG France got the added benefit of using iSpin to verify further gains from software updates from the turbine manufacturer. With accurate measurements they successfully and independently, verified the increase in production from a software update. With the precision of iSpin, an improvement close to 0,5% was verified and ERG France now have reliable information on how their investments affect their turbines.

iSpin enabled smarter bat protection strategies. iSpin frame contract for more than 20 turbines in Germany to secure accurate bat protection measures and to get the full benefit of accurate wind measurements. With this contract the customer will be able to extend the advantageous deal to more turbines. The contract illustrates the need for adaptable systems that allows for a wide variety of usages without sacrificing quality.

Company description

ROMO Wind is the company behind the iSpin spinner anemometer. The unique iSpin technology measures wind where it first hits the wind turbine, at the hub directly in front of the rotor. With the iSpin technology, ROMO Wind enables manufacturer-independent performance monitoring, targeted load reduction and insights into flow inclination, turbulence intensities and actual wind conditions in all sectors. Allowing operators of wind farms to identify the real earning capacity of their turbines and even to optimise their turbines for maximum production.

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