WindEurope welcomes Ports of Normandy as a new member | WindEurope
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WindEurope welcomes Ports of Normandy as a new member

With offshore wind taking a special place in the recently launched European Green Deal, ports will play an ever greater role in the wind industry.

Ports of Normandy, a public body created by the Normandy Region and other local bodies in France, has joined WindEurope as a member.

This organisation includes 3 ports: Caen-Ouistreham, Dieppe, Cherbourg, all located in North West of France. Ports of Normandy focuses on developing the marine renewable sector, with a growing market on the northern coasts of France, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.

The organisation has three major axes of development:

Industrial production: In Cherbourg, the LM Wind blade factory began production in 2019 with the longest (107m) blades in the world. This plant has received 3 mega orders for a total of 1,200 blades.

Logistics: EDF has chosen Cherbourg for the assembly and pre-assembly of the wind turbines for the Courseulles and Fécamp Offshore wind turbines.

Maintenance: The port of Caen-Ouistreham was chosen for the creation of the maintenance base for the Courseulles field and the port of Dieppe for the maintenance base for the Tréport field.

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