Ports Platform and Floating TF joint meeting and visit in Port of Port-la-Nouvelle | WindEurope
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Ports Platform and Floating TF joint meeting and visit in Port of Port-la-Nouvelle

On September 30th and October 1st WindEurope’s Ports Platform and Floating taskforce met in Port-La-Nouvelle (France).

Around thirty WindEurope’s members from the two groups joined the two-days meeting from all around Europe. Additional stakeholders from the French Offshore Wind Supply Chain joined the first day of the meeting.

During the first day, the group met to learn about WindEurope and its activities, recent developments at the Ports of Port-La-Nouvelle on the investments and expansion plan for floating wind and some of the key hydrogen projects that are happing around Europe (see agenda with speaker below. Presentations are available upon request).

WindEurope’s Ports Platform and Floating taskforce met in Port-La-Nouvelle

The working day continued with the visit to the Port of Port-La-Nouvelle, drinks and dinner with all the participants.

Ports platform at Port-La-nouvelle group photo

On the second day, October 1st, WindEurope’s members attended the joint meeting and working session on ports infrastructure requirements for floating offshore wind, topic for which the two groups are collaborating and developing a statement to be released by Q1 2020. The day continued with a joint lunch on the seaside and ended with the groups having their internal separate meetings.

The Ports Platform is now developing the 2020 work programme, coordinating to apply for EU funding and organizing the Conference Session “Ports and the industrialization of offshore wind”, which will take place on Wednesday 27th of November 2019 from 10.45 to 12.15 in Copenhagen Offshore 2019. The Session will be followed by a “Meet and Greet Lunch with the Offshore Supply Chain”, taking place at WindEurope’s stand (exhibition area) on the same day, Wednesday 27th of November, from 12.30 to 14.00.

Day 1 / 30th of September

14.00 – 15.00 Meet and Greet: Offshore wind industry dynamic through-out Europe

15.00 – 16.00 – Port-La-Nouvelle: port extension and development  (Region Occitanie Project Management and CCI Port-La-Nouvelle)

16.00 – 17.00 – Hydrogen Projects

17.15 – 18.15 – Visit of Port-La-Nouvelle installations

18.30 – 21.00 Dinner

Day 2 / 1st of October

9.00 – 12.30 – FOWT and Ports Platform joint meeting

9:00 – 9.10 – Introduction and objectives (Mattia Cecchinato and, Lizet Ramírez, WindEurope)

9:10 – 10.10 – First Session

10.30 – 12.15 Working Session

12:15-12:30 – Conclusions and closing remarks (Mattia Cecchinato and, Lizet Ramírez, WindEurope)

14.00 – 16.00 – Ports platform and Floating TF separate meetings

Ports platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-NouvellePorts platform at Port-la-Nouvelle