Economic recovery | WindEurope
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Economic recovery

[Published: October 2020]

The EU agreed a historic stimulus package to revive its economy in the wake of COVID-19 including a €673bn Recovery & Resilience Facility (RRF).

The objective of the Recovery and Resilience Facility is not to return the EU to business-as-usual, but to lay the foundations for the economy of 2050: greener, more digital, and more competitive. The facility will be disbursed in line with national Recovery & Resilience Plans, which must allocate 37% to climate-related spending and “do no significant harm” to the EU’s environmental objectives. The plans must also include a reform component to provide policy support to the green and digital transitions.

The wind sector has been resilient in the crisis. Investing in wind benefits communities and generates economic activity: on average each new turbine Europe installs generates €10m of economic activity – read our Report: wind energy and economic recovery in Europe

WindEurope engages with the European Commission and National Governments, in coordination with National Associations, to ensure the EU recovery plan helps accelerate wind deployment and boosts the transition to a climate neutral economy.

Below are the details of the financial envelopes by Member State. The European Commission has already started to disburse the sums.
