WindEurope’s position paper on the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan | WindEurope
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WindEurope’s position paper on the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan

The EU has a big challenge ahead. It needs to double the rate of wind deployment to deliver on its new energy security strategy REPowerEU by 2030. But investments in wind energy were sharply down in 2022 and the permitting situation for wind energy projects is still not what it is supposed to be.  This is making the situation for Europe’s supply chain more precarious at a time when it should be ramping up instead. The gap in volume ambition vs supply chain capabilities is particularly acute for offshore wind. Europe also lacks a robust response to rising competitive pressures from the US and China in the global race for renewable energy investments.

As things stand, the European Commission’s legislative proposals for a Green Deal Industrial Plan will not be sufficient to ensure Europe avoids a reliance on non-European clean technologies in its energy transition. The European wind energy industry calls on the Member States and the European Parliament to amend the proposals by:

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