WindEurope launches Daily Wind Power Numbers | WindEurope
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WindEurope launches Daily Wind Power Numbers


Today, WindEurope launches a unique digital platform in the presence of European Commission Vice-President Šefčovič. The Daily Wind Power Numbers platform will inform policy makers, stakeholders and citizens every day on:

The information in the Daily Wind Power Numbers platform comes from 13,000 data points gathered from Transmission System Operators, power exchanges, Eurostat and WindEurope statistics. All subscribers to the platform will receive a daily email with the data headlines and a link to the previous day’s data.

Daily Wind Power Numbers

The platform explained

Europe is a global leader in wind energy. The first tab of the tool shows that wind energy powers millions of European households and businesses every day. Last year wind energy covered 10.4% of EU power demand. And on some days, it covered more than 100% of some Member State’s electricity demand.

Wind power is a reliable partner in almost every Member State. The second tab presents the top countries in generating on- and offshore wind energy on the day before. The ranking changes with weather and market conditions.

As a mainstream technology, wind power fully competes with conventional plants. By clicking on the third tab, you can get an idea of a Member State’s energy mix – per hour.

Wind varies, but it is always blowing somewhere in Europe. Tab four supports the case of a functioning internal energy market that increases cross-border trade and enhances security of supply. See a map of Europe’s most powerful connections.

Member States with windy conditions do not yet fully tap the potential. The higher the capacity factor in tab five the more wind energy was generated. Browse our statistics to see how many turbines your country has.

Next steps
