13 May 2016
WindEurope attends IEA Wind workshop in Lisbon

On May 10-12, WindEurope attended the 77th meeting of the IEA Wind Executive Committee in Lisbon, Portugal.
IEA Wind is a platform for member countries to exchange information on the planning and execution of national wind energy projects, and to undertake co-operative research initiatives. The forum allows wind energy experts from around the world to convene as part of the International Energy Agency’s Technology Collaboration Programmes.
WindEurope sits on the Executive Committee IEA Wind, which meets twice a year to discuss the latest research findings. The meeting was a great opportunity to discuss the topics that are crucial for wind energy development and cost reduction such as grid integration, technology costs and social acceptance. WindEurope provided the group with an update on the European wind energy market and policy developments on renewables and market design in the EU institutions.
IEA Wind produces an annual report on wind energy deployment and research in over 20 leading wind energy markets including Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and China among others. WindEurope contributes to this report with a chapter drafted in cooperation with the European Commission.
On the final day of the meeting, delegates were provided with a presentation on the “WindFloat” project off the coast of Portugal. The 2MW wind turbine supported on a floating structure is designed to allow developers to access deeper waters. The project has been operating since 2011 and is a joint initiative between the renewables arm of Portuguese utility EDP and US technology provider Principle Power.
Click here to watch the video showing the construction and deployment phase of the floating wind turbine.