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When: Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 11:00 - 12:15
Where: Auditorium 10
Session description
Countries from around the North Sea and Baltic Sea have already started to work on regional initiatives to jointly plan the development of the offshore grid and ENTSO-E has been mandated to develop regional Offshore Network Development Plans by January 2024. This session will take stock of progress so far, look at the regulatory, technical and financial challenges ahead and discuss possible solutions.
Session chair

Iván Pineda
Director of Innovation, WindEurope
Panel discussion

Antje Orths
Chief Engineer - System Development, Energinet, Convenor - ENTSO-E Offshore Network Development Plan Group

Raphael Sauter
European Commission

Rebecca Sedler
Managing Director - Interconnectors, National Grid Interconnector

Chris Fox
Head of Interconnection and Offshore Networks Policy Team, BEIS

Gro Waeraas de Saint Martin
Director Strategy & Development Offshore Grids, RTE

Johan Söderström
EVP, Head of Regions EMEA, Hitachi Energy
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