Presenters and Speakers | WindEurope Annual Event 2023

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Presenters and Speakers

Antje Orths

Chief Engineer - System Development, Energinet, Convenor - ENTSO-E Offshore Network Development Plan Group


Antje Orths works as chief engineer for the Danish TSO Energinet in the System Development Unit with responsibilities in international infrastructure development in the European association ENTSO-E. In ENTSO-E she leads the ‘Offshore Network Development Plan Group’ and is responsible for the five European sea-basin plans that form a new part of the Ten-Year-Network Development Plan (TYNDP). Her recent achievements include ENTSO-E’s six position papers on offshore development, prepared under her direction and with her direct involvement. Antje Orths has graduated in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany and received her Ph.D. from the University Magdeburg, Germany.

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WindEurope Annual Event 2022