31 October 2013
TWENTIES project
Final report
TWENTIES is a grids project that looks into how to operate grid systems with large amounts of wind and other renewables. It is the largest renewable energy project ever funded by the EU.
The aim of the TWENTIES project is to advance the development and deployment of new technologies which facilitate the widespread integration of more onshore and offshore wind power into the European electricity system by 2020 and beyond.
TWENTIES shows that Europe’s energy infrastructure can be used a lot more efficiently than it currently is. The most significant findings include the following:
- Wind farms can provide wide area voltage control, and secondary frequency control services to the system;
- Virtual power plants enables reliable delivery of ancillary services, like voltage control and reserves, by intelligent control of distributed generation including wind farms and industrial consumption;
- A DC circuit breaker prototype was tested successfully;
- By applying ‘high wind ride through control’, reserve requirements are cut in half;
- By using Real Time Thermal Rating (RTTR) or Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) for measuring and forecasting overhead line capacity, 10% more flow in average can go through equipped overhead lines;
- By using the combined effect of DLR and power flow controlling devices to control the flows in the European grid, more wind in-feed can be integrated in the existing grid without jeopardizing the system security;
- By controlling flows by means of PSTs, HVDCs and FACTS, local congestions can be alleviated in a flexible manner. A smart control of a set of such devices enable getting even more out of the existing grids.
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