DEME & Otary | WindEurope
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2020 Success Stories

DEME & Otary

DEME is a world leader in the highly specialised fields of dredging, solutions for the offshore energy market, infra marine and environmental works. With more than 140 years of experience and 5,200 highly skilled professionals, we bring tailor-made solutions, innovation and new technologies to our customers’ projects, ensuring that they are performed safely, efficiently and cost-effectively.

DEME’s vision is to work towards a sustainable future by offering solutions for global challenges: a rising sea level, a growing population, reduction of CO2 emissions, polluted rivers, seas and soils and the scarcity of natural resources.

While our roots are in Belgium, DEME has built a strong presence on all of the world’s seas and continents. We have a versatile and modern fleet of more than 100 vessels, supported by a broad range of auxiliary equipment.

Otary Belgian partnership for sustainable offshore energy

Otary is a joint venture alliance of eight Belgian companies specialized in renewable energy. These eight offshore wind players decided to join hands and work in close collaboration, boosting their experience and technical knowledge to contribute to a sustainable future. Otary is responsible for the development, construction and operations of the Rentel and SeaMade wind farms in the Belgian North Sea, providing clean energy to almost 800,000 Belgian households.

Rentel wind farm

The Rentel wind farm is the first project developed by Otary. The 42 wind turbines have been up and running since the end of 2018, providing sustainable energy to 300,000 Belgian households.

SeaMade wind farm

SeaMade NV exists of both the Mermaid and Seastar offshore wind farms, and is the single largest wind farm financed and built in Belgium. SeaMade produces energy for up to 485,000 Belgian households.

With Rentel and SeaMade, Otary has 100 offshore wind turbines in portfolio, equivalent to more than one third of the total offshore wind capacity in Belgium.

Otary Ambassador at the heart of the sustainable revolution

Otary finds itself at the heart of the energy transition, closes the gap between the offshore energy sector and the broad public, and maintains an open and approachable attitude to stretch the boundaries of renewable energy production. Otary is an imperative Belgian ambassador in offshore wind energy, leading the way in a global sustainable revolution that benefits and connects all of us.

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