WindEurope response to the European Commission consultation on the priority list for the development of Network Codes and guidelines on electricity for the period 2020-2023 and on gas for 2020 (and beyond) | WindEurope
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WindEurope response to the European Commission consultation on the priority list for the development of Network Codes and guidelines on electricity for the period 2020-2023 and on gas for 2020 (and beyond)

WindEurope welcomes the European Commission consultation on the priority list for the development of Network Codes and guidelines on electricity for the period 2020-2023. Our response is structured in three areas:

  1. Network Code on Cybersecurity
  2. Network Code on Demand Side Flexibility
  3. Other electricity Network Codes and guidelines

As power systems across Europe are becoming more digitised, the need to address their cybersecurity and thus protect our security of supply is becoming urgent. A cybersecurity Network Code should be a priority for 2020-2023.
Cybersecurity being a borderless issue, any new requirement should not only address cross-border power lines, but power networks in general.

A Network Code on Demand Side Flexibility should also be a priority for 2020-2023 to ensure the energy transition is not impeded by the lack of Demand Side Flexibility. We consider that the timeline proposed by the European Commission is realistic. Nevertheless, the
work must start as soon as possible accepting that it will unlikely be completed before 2022.

Read the position paper
