Ports Platform meeting and visit to Eemshaven Port | WindEurope
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Ports Platform meeting and visit to Eemshaven Port

The internal meeting, which took place in the morning, served to continue the work stream on the EU funding opportunities, organise the WindEurope Supply Chain workshop, for which the Ports Platform is the main supporter, and organise upcoming events.

The group agreed to support the organisation of a conference session dedicated to Ports at Copenhagen Offshore 2019. The group also discussed the marketing and dissemination material to prepare for the event, such as an updated infographic, a Ports Platform Visit Card and a possible deliverable to present during the event.

In the afternoon, the group had a boat tour to visit Eemshaven’s Port facilities. Eemshaven is a base, marshalling, service and shelter port for offshore windfarms especially in the German neighbouring part of the North Sea. 16 wind farms are partly launched from Eemshaven and it already has 4 service bases for O&M activities.
