Health & safety | WindEurope
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Health & safety

Health & safety in the wind industry

The growth of the wind sector since the 1980s has been a significant health and safety challenge. The H&S characteristics across the wind industry supply chain: manufacturing, siting, transport, construction and maintenance are different from those of other industrial sectors. Unique environmental conditions and workplace locations make H&S concerns significant.

H&S practices in the wind industry, including training, certification and standard operating procedures, have adapted to meet growth and demand. Technological advances and developments have been utilised to ensure the safest possible conditions. The main drivers of the H&S evolution include:

  • The conviction and commitment of the sector companies
  • Transparency
  • Communication
  • Involvement of workers
  • Continuous efforts towards improvement

Today, H&S is one of the key drivers of the wind sector in the efforts towards making wind energy reliable and sustainable.


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