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About 2020

The collapse of the German wind onshore market in 2018 and 2019 was the starting point for a fundamental turnaround at ENERCON. The company is currently reorganizing at lightning speed, realigning its organizational structure and adopting a new strategic direction. ENERCON is focusing more than ever on international markets and on its core business. Despite the unfavourable circumstances in 2020, ENERCON managed to secure refinancing with its banks and shareholder in the midst of the crisis. The reorganization is also bearing fruit when it comes to new wind energy converters: new models consistently developed with the cost of energy in mind now form the heart of the portfolio. Despite the difficult conditions brought about by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, installation was successfully conducted and the testing phase commenced on three prototypes from the EP3 and EP5 platforms. ENERCON has been able to manage the impact of the pandemic well to date and will do everything in its power to make sure it stays that way.


For more than 30 years, ENERCON has been among the technology leaders in the wind energy sector. It was the first manufacturer to focus on a gearless drive design, and this is now a hallmark of all ENERCON wind energy converters. The company is also at the forefront in other areas such as rotor blade engineering, control systems and grid connection technology, and keeps proving its great innovation capacity with a variety of new technological developments. As one of the leading producers of wind energy converters, ENERCON is always working to drive the global supply of renewable energy forward using its practice-oriented products and services.

Featured products

E-160 EP5: Award-winning Milestone in the ENERCON Portfolio

ENERCON installs 30,000 wind energy converters worldwide

The E-Nacelle – The next level of electrical engineering

