WindEurope response to public consultation on draft of the new Network Code Demand Response | WindEurope
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WindEurope response to public consultation on draft of the new Network Code Demand Response

This document presents WindEurope’s response to the public stakeholder consultation by EU-DSO entity and ENTSO-E on the first draft of new Network Code Demand Response. This network code covers key topics including but not limited to flexibility, congestion management and voltage services, non-firm connection agreements, voltage control using reactive power, distribution network development plans, and data exchange requirements for all grid users (generation, demand, and storage). WindEurope remarks that this first draft does not fulfil the purpose of a Network Code. Where a Network Code text is expected to detail the technical implementation of higher-level EU regulations and support the relevant authorities in the process, the high-level and vague text used fails to provide any meaningful guidance.

WindEurope is part of the network code Drafting Committee that can review and give feedback to the NC DR Development Committee and hence will continue working on the improvement of the draft network code.

Read the position paper
