Unlock demand-side flexibility for European consumers, innovation and the climate | WindEurope
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Position papers

Unlock demand-side flexibility for European consumers, innovation and the climate

WindEurope and the IDEAS platform (*) call on Members of the European Parliament and energy ministers to unlock the potential of demand-side flexibility in Europe. This resource not only benefits and empowers consumers, but also enables the integration of ever larger shares of renewables in the power system at least cost. The Clean Energy Package should address current market failures and set fair rules that will allow this take-off, such as: creating functioning wholesale markets, allowing consumers and third parties to value their flexibility and tackling the structural overcapacity of generation in Europe. Not delivering this risks affecting the Europe Union’s competitiveness, undermining its decarbonisation efforts as well as its opportunities for jobs and growth.

(*) IDEAS is an informal stakeholders’ platform that contributes to the development and implementation of European policies and initiatives to drive the deployment of flexible demand-side resources in support of the EU’s goals in energy and climate, security of supply and competitiveness.

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