Taking an integrated approach to building decarbonisation in the EU: 10 Principles for a successful Renovation Wave | WindEurope
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Joint statements

Taking an integrated approach to building decarbonisation in the EU: 10 Principles for a successful Renovation Wave

The Electrification Alliance welcomes the upcoming Renovation Wave initiative of the European Commission. We believe that the following 10 principles will help make it a success and speed-up the full decarbonisation of the EU building stock:

  1. Acknowledge the multiple benefits for EU citizens and the energy system
  2. Take an ambitious approach to building renovation and electrification
  3. Prioritise the electrification of heating and cooling in buildings
  4. Accelerate on-site renewable electricity generation
  5. Deploy e-mobility smart charging infrastructure
  6. Foster the demand-side flexibility of buildings
  7. Align internal electrical installations with a higher level of ambition and safety
  8. Encourage innovative business models enabled by digitalization
  9. Set up up-to-date skills programmes for workers
  10. Make the best use of the Clean Energy Package laws

Read the joint statement
