Joint Letter calling for an independent European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen (ENNOH) | WindEurope
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Joint statements

Joint Letter calling for an independent European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen (ENNOH)

The joint letter, co-signed by the Renewable Hydrogen Coalition, WindEurope, SolarPower Europe, CAN Europe and E3G, calls on co-legislators to ensure a level playing field for new renewable hydrogen players during the negotiations on the Hydrogen & Decarbonised Gas Package by establishing a dedicated entity (European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen — ENNOH).

Empowering an impartial authority to orchestrate the rapid ascent of renewable hydrogen is key for building cost-effective, purpose-driven and adequate hydrogen infrastructure which meets the needs of hard-to-electrify sectors in a fully transparent and integrated way, without conflict of interests.

The new entity must carefully and independently evaluate future network requirements based on sound scientific analysis and economic forecasts. It must collaborate with ENTSO-E, ENTSOG and ACER on the long-term integrated network development planning for the most energy- and cost-efficient decarbonisation solutions.

This letter sent in November 2023 follows our previous letter sent in July 2023.

Read the joint letter
