Fit for 55% Package: joint position | WindEurope
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Joint statements

Fit for 55% Package: joint position

The Electrification Alliance establishes the priorities for the Fit for 55 package with dedicated recommendations on key legislative files :

  1. Carbon pricing and energy taxation e.g. to:
    • Ensure a level playing field between energy carriers
    • Set standards to avoid double taxation of end-use flexibility solutions
  2. Renewable energy – revision of the Renewable Energy Directive e.g. to:
    • Increase the 2030 renewable energy target to levels in line with the European Commission impact assessment
    • Promote and accelerate demand-side flexibility efforts
    • Remove obstacles to solar, wind & electricity grid deployment, e.g. in relation to permitting
    • Keep the RED II unambiguously for renewable energies
  3. Energy system efficiency – revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive e.g. to:
    • Increase the 2030 energy efficiency target
    • Ensure that the energy efficiency first principle is applied at system level
    • Review the Primary Energy Factor (PEF) for electricity
  4. Electrification of buildings – revisions of the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive e.g. to:
    • Integrate buildings and transport sectors through direct electrification  ready for smart charging
    • Increase the required shares of renewables and energy efficiency improvements in heating and cooling systems
    • Accelerate the deployment of on-site renewable electricity and demand-side flexibility sources
  5. Electrification of road transport –  revisions of the CO₂ emission performance standards for cars and vans Regulation and the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive e.g. to:
    • Tighten the CO₂ emission standards for cars and vans for 2025 and 2030
    • Set an ambitious framework for a goal-driven, intelligent and dynamic roll out of charging infrastructure in Europe
    • Prioritise roll-out flexible charging infrastructure (smart charging)

Read the joint statement
