Comments from the Electrification Alliance on the ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G draft TYNDP 2020 scenario report | WindEurope
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Joint statements

Comments from the Electrification Alliance on the ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G draft TYNDP 2020 scenario report

Formed in 2017, the Electrification Alliance brings together AVERE, Eurelectric, European Climate Foundation, European Copper Institute, European Heat Pump Association, Europe-On, smartEn, SolarPower Europe and WindEurope calling for clean electricity to be recognised as the key energy carrier for an efficient and decarbonised European future. In doing so, the Alliance members are working towards enabling technologies to advance Europe’s competitiveness, economic growth, job creation, and the promotion of a sustainable society for European citizens.

The Electrification Alliance is concerned regarding the joint ENTSOs’ Ten-Year Network Development Plan draft scenario report for 2020 (TYNDP 2020) on the preliminary results. Therefore, the members of the Electrification Alliance do not consider the current TYNDP 2020 scenarios as a relevant basis for future energy infrastructure prioritisation, including the 5th PCI list. We invite the European Commission to take the initiative and the opportunity to fast-track the revision of the relevant EU infrastructure regulations.

Read the joint letter
