Sessions - WindEurope Offshore 2019


Technical symposium O&M and Resource Assessment

Resource Assessment

When: Thursday, 28 November 2019, 13:30 - 15:00
Where: A12

Session description

This technical symposium will offer a deep dive into new techniques and operational results to optimise pre-construction estimates and post-construction operations, looking specifically at:

  • Data-based maintenance and optimization
  • Data observation for resource assessment
  • Modelling
  • Part 1: O&M - data-based maintenance optimisation



    Session chair

    Simon Watson

    Professor of Wind Energy Systems, TU Delft

    13:35 - Advanced tool to optimise the O&M activities for offshore wind farms

    Raúl Guanche García

    Head of the Offshore Engineering and Ocean Energy Group, Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria (IHCantabria)

    13:50 - A robotic shearography system for wind turbine blade inspection on-site

    Jianxin Gao

    Principal Project Leader, TWI Ltd

    Part 2: Resource Assessment - Data observation



    Session chair

    Lars Landberg

    Director & Group Leader Renewables - Group Technology and Research, DNV GL

    14:10 - Advanced wind measurements by a floating mast

    Antonios Peppas

    Managing Director, FloatMast

    14:25 - Do Floating LiDARs qualify for assessing offshore wind turbine power curves?

    Erik Patschke

    Group Manager for Lidar-based Wind Measurements, Fraunhofer IWES

    14:40 - Measuring effects of the Borkum Riffgrund 1 wind farm on FINO1 by means of long range lidar

    Juan José Trujillo

    Project Engineer, UL International

    14:55 - Offshore wind resource mapping of the European Seas for the New European Wind Atlas

    Charlotte Hasager

    Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy

    Part 3: Resource Assessment - Modelling



    Session chair

    Mike Anderson

    Retired RES Chief Technology Officer

    15:35 - The OWA wake modeling challenge blind tests

    Javier Sanz Rodrigo

    Senior Researcher, CENER

    15:50 - Spectral correction to recover full 10min variability from hourly mesoscale data

    Lasse Svenningsen

    R&D Manager, EMD International A/S

    16:05 - Temporal Wake Modeling, Validation with iSpin Measurement and production data at Offshore Windfarm

    Henrik Pedersen

    Senior Wind Energy Consultant, EMD International A/S

    16:20 - Improved ocean wave conditions for the design of offshore wind farms using data assimilation

    Natacha Fery

    Metocean Engineer, DHI

    16:35 - Reducing the uncertainty in the AEP estimate using DOWA, the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas

    Bernard Bulder

    Coordinator Wind Farm Services, ECN part of TNO

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