28 June 2019
Dutch Climate Agreement sets ambitious targets for wind energy and CO2 reductions

The Dutch Climate Agreement announced today sets ambitious CO2 reduction targets for 2030 and foresees significant further growth in onshore and offshore wind.
The Netherlands aims to cut CO2 emissions by 49% by 2030, a significant increase over its 2020 goal of 25%. The Agreement also fixes volumes for the expansion of wind energy to 2030: 7.5-8.5 GW of onshore and 11.5 GW of offshore wind. It sees renewables providing 75% of electricity in the Netherlands by 2030.
However, the Agreement is thin on measures to push the electrification of heating, transport and industrial processes. And there’s no figure even for the level of electricity demand in industry.
WindEurope Chief Policy Officer Pierre Tardieu said: “The Dutch are setting a good example with their 49% emissions reduction goal. And with their clear numbers for the further expansion of wind energy. But it’s unfortunate they’re reducing incentives for the electrification of industry and transport. Electrification increases energy efficiency and saves money. The Dutch should be embracing it.”