The State of the European Wind Energy Supply Chain | WindEurope
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The State of the European Wind Energy Supply Chain

© Parc éolien en mer de Saint-Nazaire - Production CAPA Corporate. Photo Tim Fox.

Published on 25 April 2023


This report has been produced by Rystad Energy in cooperation with WindEurope. The aim of this report is to assess the state of the European wind supply chain and its ability to support ambitious capacity targets towards 2030. Rystad Energy has used WindEurope’s 2030 Targets Scenario presented in its report “Wind energy in Europe 2022 –Statistics and the outlook for 2023-2027” to estimate the demand for components, services and materials along the wind supply chain and compare this to existing supply capacities in Europe to identify potential bottlenecks, expansion needs, and the urgency of the potentially necessary expansions. Based on the findings in this report, WindEurope has provided its policy recommendations.

Webinar - State of European Supply Chain
